Time ago, I started to introduce myself into the fixed bikes world, and since that moment I have not stopped. Like I say in an older post, I really like to ride a bike and I absolutely love ride a fixed bike. Along with this feeling I tarted to search and research about how begins all of this and the differents kinds of bikes, finding that exists a looooot! One of my favourites are the low pro (like the picture at the end of the post), what was design with just one idea and I quote "this machine was built to go fast", and can comply with his proupose thank to a bicycle designer, who analyzed the body geometry and of course the bike geometry to complement with all aspects of the body measurements.

Obviously it is difficult to enter into this world of bicycles because it is very selector and are only a few opportunities to get inside. Also the ciclyng in Chile it is not a popular sport and almost always it is practice only by persons who have a good economic situation, limiting the entry to person with few resources.
Nevertheless a few years ago a group of chileans, friends and architects create the most important company of fixed bike in South America, theirs become so popular that persons of other countries come to Chile just to buy or see theirs creations. This group call their store and bike group Kamaleon Bike , and regrettably a year ago they close the store because now are dedicated to enjoy theirs bikes and also they jump to another level, starting to design motorcycles, changing the name to RAM. This change has been difficult, but not all in life is easy.
I hope to get to this level onde day.