Thursday, 18 August 2016


The only thing I like to do in my time out of here is been an old wolf, yes an old wolf. That is the name of the persons who are in charge of the little boy scouts. This group of old wolfs, is compose by six persons, boys and girls, what have particularity names: Bagheera, Raksha, Akela, Baloo, Kaa and Hathi. In my group right now we are three boys and three girls, and the kids named me Baloo the bear. All this names are from “The Jungle Book”, and they are the characters who help Mowgli to grow up in the jungle and get over the problems. In the boy scouts, we consider all the children to be like the Mowgli character, and we have the responsibility to teach them the values and how to face life.
Every Saturday we get together at different parks in Santiago and enjoy of the nature. Also the activities that we prepare for them are divided by six categories in relation with each character of the old wolfs: corporality-Bagheera, spirituality-Hathi, sociability-Akela, creativity-Kaa, affectivity-Raksha and character-Baloo, so a lot of the time I have out of the university, I dedicate to create some new activities of character for the kids.
In a few weeks we will be at our summer camp, and I am anxious about it because I want the kids really enjoy the new activities.  

Thursday, 11 August 2016


My favourite piece of technology

In this entrance I want to talk about my favorite piece of technology. I think it’s my new iPad. I got it (SM) last summer when my parents and I found out that I got in (WW) the career I wanted, architecture in Universidad de Chile. Is very useful and I use it for a lot of things. When I need to draw from pictures I took of places (WF), I bring it to university so I can work in (NN) here. I also use it to listen to music when I’m in the shower or in my room working on projects, to play games, to talk with friends on Facebook and not having to use my cellphone battery, to take pictures, among other stuff. It is very practical, and it is my first Apple product, but in cellphones I prefer android by far, and I would not change my hp computer either because I have sort of affection to it, I got it in my 15th birthday and I've put stickers in (WW) it and it (NN) is beautiful. I hope they last long because I take very good care of them.


It suppost htat I have to write about the girl down of me in de list of the teacher's blog, but she has just tree sentences on his blog, so I decided to write about the next one, Rafaela, who has a lot of more information.

Like I say, she has been written twelve post on his blog, what is a loooot of information, but she never wrote about himself, and I only know his name (Rafaela Justiniano) and her blog's name Her blog have a picture of a palms, and I think that she choose this background because a memory of her holidays in Miami, like she coment in a recently post. Also she really like photos and pictures, she insert at least one photo o picture for every post. 

Now I am going to talk about my favourite post of Rafiwi. She has a lot of intersting histories but I will choose the only post that que shared something at common. The Taipei 101 post. In this post she write about a skyline, the eighth tallets building in the world, located in Tapei, capital of the island of Taiwan. In this post I can share her admiration for the architecture, and also the desire to visit the island one day.

Thursday, 30 June 2016


Gonzalo is my brother, my only brother. He is nine years older than me, so we almost don’t have common likes because of the difference of the age. But we do share some things, both born the same day of the month, the third, him in february and me in october (my father too, also in febraury!), both study at the same schools and kindergarten and we also play hockey when where were younger, but at this point we had a little difference, he played like a goalkeeper and I played at the defense.

He is a good guy, but like all the children we fought a lot, and with time we started to have a
good relation, like brothers. He is now living at Pelluhue, a little village located two hours of 
distance of Parral, because is the general practitioner of the area, I am really proud of him.
He prefers to go to a place where people really need a professional like him instead of start
to work in a clinic or hospital of Santiago, where is full of doctors.
I went to see him the last week with my girlfriend, and I come back really happy, because I 
saw him enjoying his work, and obviously enjoying his stance with his new girlfriend 1313.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Future

The future.. well it is difficult to write about it, because when you do some plans for your future, almost always, don´t occur. A couple of years ago, I want to study arts, and here I am studying architecture. But dream is free, so let’s do it.

Ten years, it is a loooot of time and I don´t see myself living in any place in a permanent way, because I will be traveling and knowing many countries, cultures and languages. Always when I think in myself at the future I imagine me walking with a big bag at the highway of some big country, or just walking in the forest or in open field.

I don´t think that I will be working in something formal, I will be just working for living, maybe at a mc’donalds or washing dishes in some fine restaurant, I don´t really care in what I will work, I only will care about get enoght money to survive.

At that time I will be 30 years old, so I don’t see children yet, but I do see a girlfriend, and probably doing plans for have our first child, because I don´t want to be an old dad for my children, I preffer to play and enojy with they while I still have some physical and mental condition to do.

By that time I have finished my studies of architecture -I hope !!- and probably I will have done my first tattoo, and I almost forgot, I also see myself earning money doing this.

Regrettably, my pronostic for the world for ten years will be really bad, because the destruction of the environmental will increase with the years L

Thursday, 16 June 2016

2009's holidays !

Here I am again, this time I will write about an amazing holidays I had a few years ago.

I started the holidays like all the others since a few years, with a summer camp of scout. This one was a little different because we participate in a national Jamboree, something like a national summer camp dedicated for girls and boys scouts of 12 to 16 years old. This Jamboree had place in Picarquin, a scout school field, near the village Francisco of Montazal. Was in 2009 so we celebrated the anniversary number 100 of the scout movement in Chile, and like I was part of the first scout group created, we have a special celebration with a full party. The camp lasted nearly two weeks.

After this camp finished, I went to see a cousin who lived in Chiloe. Once as being there, three others cousins came, one of them I had never seen, from of France. We had a really good time together, we visit all the important monuments of the island, and we meet each other like never before.

I really enjoy it, maybe because at all the holidays, I had the disposition of share and try to have good time with others. And of course because the food in the south of Chile, especially in Chiloe it’s awesome and very tasty !!!

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Bicycle designer

Time ago, I started to introduce myself into the fixed bikes world, and since that moment I have not stopped. Like I say in an older post, I really like to ride a bike and I absolutely love ride a fixed bike. Along with this feeling I tarted to search and research about how begins all of this and the differents kinds of bikes, finding that exists a looooot! One of my favourites are the low pro (like the picture at the end of the post), what was design with just one idea and I quote  "this machine was built to go fast", and can comply with his proupose thank to a bicycle designer, who analyzed the body geometry and of course the bike geometry to complement with all aspects of the body measurements.
  When I read the first time about this kind of work I thought it was a really cool and easy job, but with the time I realized that you have to know a lot of anatomy and also know about desing technics. After I noticed all this I started to think this could put together things that I really like, what are the body anatomy -inspired by my brother, now a medician-, a personal hobby -ride a bike- and something that I always do and love, design.

Obviously it is difficult to enter into this world of bicycles because it is very selector and are only a few opportunities to get inside. Also the ciclyng in Chile it is not a popular sport and almost always it is practice only by persons who have a good economic situation, limiting the entry to person with few resources.

Nevertheless a few years ago a group of chileans, friends and architects create the most important company of fixed bike in South America, theirs become so popular that persons of other countries come to Chile just to buy or see theirs creations. This group call their store and bike group Kamaleon Bike , and regrettably a year ago they close the store because now are dedicated to enjoy theirs bikes and also they jump to another level, starting to design motorcycles, changing the name to RAM. This change has been difficult, but not all in life is easy.

I hope to get to this level onde day.