The future.. well
it is difficult to write about it, because when you do some plans for your
future, almost always, don´t occur. A couple of years ago, I want to study
arts, and here I am studying architecture. But dream is free, so let’s do it.

I don´t think that I will be working in something formal, I will be just working for living, maybe at a mc’donalds or washing dishes in some fine restaurant, I don´t really care in what I will work, I only will care about get enoght money to survive.
At that time I
will be 30 years old, so I don’t see children yet, but I do see a girlfriend,
and probably doing plans for have our first child, because I don´t want to be
an old dad for my children, I preffer to play and enojy with they while I still
have some physical and mental condition to do.
By that time I have
finished my studies of architecture -I hope !!- and probably I will have done
my first tattoo, and I almost forgot, I also see myself earning money doing
Regrettably, my
pronostic for the world for ten years will be really bad, because the
destruction of the environmental will increase with the years L
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